Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sunday Night Soccer

I wanted to tell everyone about Sunday night soccer. If you live near us, PLEASE come out and play. If you don't, then consider starting something like this where you live.
We meet at the city park's soccer field every Sunday night at 5pm. It is a family thing...not just kids. All or most of the dads play and some of the moms too. We divide into teams and play for about 2-21/2 hrs. Last year, I played everyday, but payed for it on Monday, and Tuesday. It was fun though.
We had our kickoff week last Sunday as the weather is beautiful again. For our first week, we had about 25 people playing, I was the referee (see photo above with my apprentice on my back--photo courtesy of Peterson Photography) which was a nice change that I appreciated immensely on Monday morning.
Along with the players we had about that many other people (moms and smaller kids) playing and talking on the sidelines or visiting the playground.
We really want to see it become a way to reach out to those who don't have a relationship with Jesus though. A way to integrate more of the unsaved into our lives and build relationships. I recently read a book by Bill Hybels called Just Walk Across the Room. It was a great book all around, but the one thing that jumped out to me is when he described that one of the best evangelistic tools his church had done was to organize a Friday Night Kickball night and invite unchurched friends. I pray that we are able to make lots of new friends through soccer and have a fun family time while doing it.
SO, come on out one Sunday and bring the fam. Invite a friend. There is also a walking track 1/2 mile long that goes around the fields and a playground and baseball fields as well, so there is something for everyone.
Why not start up something similar in Florida, Alabama, Ohio, South Carolina, Missouri or whereever you live!
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Friday, April 9, 2010


Our 2nd oldest son, Noah, has wanted geese for quite a while. Back in October, for his birthday, he asked for a goose house and 4 geese.
The boys and Chris recently got the goose house complete and it was time to get geese. They found a lady through the internet that had a flock of 20 geese she needed to get rid of because she has health problems. We only wanted 4, but Chris figured we'd just sell the rest.
We had a BUNCH of geese for 2 weeks, but were able to sell them easily and now Noah has his 4. We have been getting a few goose eggs every day and those are Gigantic! One egg is the equivalent of about 3-4 chicken eggs. Here is a picture of one egg filling up my small cast iron pan! WOW. They taste almost identical to chicken eggs too in case you were wondering. So now, we have just a little bit more noise on the farm!

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New Mennonite Friends

I mentioned that last week we were able to have 2 couples in our home for the Esh/Gingerich funeral. The day of the accident, I called and got my name on a list to host any families if needed. I was excited to find out we would get to.
Both couples arrived in the evening time. The first family, the Millers, were from Ohio. They were SO friendly and nice. They were excited to hear that we had a daughter named Hosanna because they did as well! They used to be Amish, but converted to Mennonite about 15 years ago. I was able to talk to them about the differences between the two and ask them some questions that I'd always wanted to ask. Grin. The first 2 pictures are of the Millers. The top one was taken about 6:45am. Gilead has woken up early when I did so he was pretty sleepy. I was making eggs for the families and Gilead just stood there for about 10 minutes watching Mr Miller. Finally, Mr Miller held his arms out to Gil and Gil RAN as fast as he could to him and just sat quietly in his lap for 15 minute while I made breakfast. That was really unusual because he usually doesn't like strangers. Maybe Gilead wants to be Mennonite one day. = )
The 2nd picture was of them before they left for the funeral.
Later that night, the 2nd couple came....the Stolzfus' from Lancaster County PA. They were really friendly too.
The thing that made me chuckle the most is that as soon as they arrived and sat down, the 2 Amish turned Mennonite men had a long conversation comparing their Blackbery phones with regular phones and why one changed over to Central time and the other didn't. Mr Miller also got out his imac computer to show me a picture of his 4 beautiful children. Nothing wrong with just busted up my paradigm expecting them to live simpler than we do and with less technology, only to find out they were hi-tech Mennonites. I don't even have my own cell phone and up til last summer, I mistakenly called those phones BLUEberries not BLACKberries. LOL
I DID feel like I fit in, however, over breakfast when Mrs Miller and Stolzfus and I were exchanging homemade bread recipes and I had the same grain mill and used the same wheat as they do. I actually taught the older Mennonite some things she didn't know. LOL.
Below (3rd picture) is Moses Stolzfus as they were leaving. I never did get a picture of his dear wife.
What I really appreciated is how we felt like brothers and sisters in Christ despite our denominational differences. We all love Jesus and we had so much fun, even though I didn't own a blackberry or a head covering. Grin.
I loved these Mennonites...they live what they believe!!

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Friday, April 2, 2010

HOME by the Esh Family

Not the same

I'm not the same as I was a week ago.  Ya see, last Friday, a van from our small town carrying a precious family and some of their friends who were headed to a wedding was hit head on by a semi truck that crossed the median about an hour from our house.  Of 12 people in the van, only 2 survived--3 and 5 year old brothers who were in their car seats.   The 10 who died included their mom and dad, baby brother, grandpa, grandma, 3 aunts, and 2 friends.   We knew all but 1 who was in the van. We got milk from one of the couples, another young man put in our driveway and concrete a few years back with his dad and brothers.

The funeral was a few days ago, and 3,500 people showed up...mainly Mennonites and Amish.  The family who died was Mennonite.   When you add that many people to a county that has a total population of 6,800, it changes things!!   Since we have exactly one motel in Burkesville, it required many of us to open our homes to the influx of friends and relatives of the Esh family.
We were very honored and blessed to be able to host 2 couples.  One from Lancaster County, PA and one from NE Ohio.   They were both Amish turned Mennonite.   They were such sweet, friendly people and we were so happy to have gotten to know them.
All across our county, denominational walls were broken down and the whole area came together to help and support the Mennonite community who was grieving the loss of about 10% of their people.  It was so neat..a glimpse of what heaven must be like.
As things like this have a way of doing, they force you to realize that we are not immortal.  None of us will escape life alive, unless the Lord returns first.  
The accident claimed the life of a baby, and a few young people as well as 2 in their 60's.  Death is no respecter of persons.    While I totally believe that it did not shock God, that somehow it is part of His bigger plan that we humans can't always grasp, it still takes us by surprise.  It rocks our "perfect little world" where we are fretting about what to make for dinner or why are the lines so long at the supermarket, or why does the baby need a diaper change when we're already late for church.   It rocks us into realizing what is TRULY important and what stress really means. 
I'm not the same this week....I am much more patient with my family, I pray a lot more over small things, I have much more of a passion for sharing Jesus with others, I know what it means to "weep with those who weep" and I have a stronger faith in God that He is totally in control of my life and I need to trust Him through every up and down.    Our pastor asked the question on Sunday, "If you were in that van last Friday, do you know for sure where you would be today?"    I'm so thankful that I do without a doubt know where I would be.  But so many in church, in the grocery store, on the street answer that question with a definite "No, I don't know where I would be."  or worst yet...they do know and it isn't with Jesus.

If you can't answer that question with a definite YES!!!  Then please do nothing else until you do know. I'll be glad to answer any questions you might have.   Life is short....we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.  The Bible says that today is the day of salvation.  The Bible also says that you don't have to wonder if you have eternal life, you can know FOR SURE!

I thank God for what He has done this last week in me and many others.  I don't understand it all, but I choose to trust my Savior that He is in control.   It's easy to praise God when everything is going great but I choose to praise God when things are not as well.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.

I will close with the lyrics of the song BLESSED BE YOUR NAME.

Blessed Be Your Name

In the land that is plentiful

Where Your streams of abundance flow

Blessed be Your name

Blessed Be Your name

When I'm found in the desert place

Though I walk through the wilderness

Blessed Be Your name

Every blessing You pour out

I'll turn back to praise

When the darkness closes in, Lord

Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be Your name

When the sun's shining down on me

When the world's 'all as it should be'

Blessed be Your name

Blessed be Your name

On the road marked with suffering

Though there's pain in the offering

Blessed be Your name

Every blessing You pour out

I'll turn back to praise

When the darkness closes in, Lord

Still I will say

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your glorious name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your name

Blessed be the name of the Lord

Blessed be Your glorious name

You give and take away

You give and take away

My heart will choose to say

Lord, blessed be Your name