Thursday, July 7, 2016
Homeschool Curriculum: What We're using this year for Kindergarten and 2nd grade
I get asked a lot, especially my new homeschoolers, "What curriculum should I use?" That is one of the hardest questions that I receive because the answer depends on so many factors, and there is not a one-size-fits-all curriculum that is best for every family. I almost always strongly discourage new homeschoolers from using an all- in-one curriculum like Abeka...because it is, frankly, overwhelming, boring, and too time-consuming. The goal is not to re-create school at home by using dry textbooks, but to use our freedom to teach our kids using real life experiences, real books and hands-on fun! If you or your child dreads getting out all the workbooks and textbooks, then something needs to change. If your 6 yr old little boy, who needs to be running and playing; exploring and creating sits at a desk for 4 hours in tears...then you're doing it wrong.
I'm not saying using abeka is bad (I use a few abeka books myself in the younger grades)...but enjoy the freedom of making school fun. Kids learn SO MUCH MORE when they enjoy school. That said, there will always be a need for some workbooks...and there will probably always be some subjects that your child just doesn't look forward to----and that's okay. But if there is an option to make it fun, or shorter, or less tiresome, then make a change even if it's mid-school year.
With that introduction....I'll share what I'm using for school this year with my two, little, energetic, "oh look a chicken" short attention span little boys....who do not have ADD despite the fact that they and every other 5 and 7 yr old little boy could easily be labelled such if they fail to enjoy sitting at a desk all day. =)
They started back to school this week, so we are 3 days into it. They already had 2 months off, and it's way too hot to do much I'm starting early with these little fellas cause 1--their school doesn't take all day (we break it up) 2--it's too hot outside to do much for a good chunk of mid-day 3--we're moving in a few months and I want to get ahead so I can take a few weeks off of their school.
The most exciting new find that I've never used before and we are already loving..and they both remind me every day already to do science because they think it's Science Shepherd Introductory Science. You buy a workbook for each child....Level A or B. I recommend B for all kids...with help it's even good for my 5 yr old. You also buy a 1 year access subscription to their video lessons. (5 lessons a week for 35 weeks). $35. Each lesson is short 2-3 minutes. I love that there are Bible verses each week that we will memorize. I love that so far, they are focusing on Creationism, setting the foundation that God cannot lie...that the Bible can be trusted...that Evolution cannot be true. We are memorizing Genesis 1:1. They even have an activity or two each week. Yesterday after learning how God created the world, they had to create their favorite animal out of clay and tell us why it's their favorite. I'm excited about science this year for the little boys.
The curriculum is for 6-11 yr olds. I think for the older range, would add more to it like real books and maybe some documentary videos from Amazon prime or Netflix, but for my 2 little guys, this is perfect!!
For History, I'm using a combination of curriculum I'm piecing together to keep things fun.
I'll be using Abeka's 3rd Grade US history text as spine along with History for Little Pilgrims. I will also add in some NEST videos from their history collection as well as coloring pages for each American we are studying. (We are currently on Columbus). We will also be reading a lot of real books outloud about each person from our library shelves....and doing some fun activities as well. Young kids also enjoy memorizing, so we will work on the States and Presidents as well.
For Bible, we will be simply reading some of the Bible Stories from a kids' Bible we have that I've used before...along with Bible memory from our Science Curriculum.
For Math, we will be using a workbook. Abeka math 1 and 3. (They are both a year ahead in math). My preference would be Life of Fred Elementary, but with all the other kids I"m also schooling and a move planned this year, I'm choosing to use a workbook to keep us on task so older kids can help them if I'm tied up.
Handwriting they will each do 3 times per week using Handwriting without Tears.
Ransom is using this one. Gil is using this one.
For Language Arts, it is a mix of them each reading out loud to me (well, Gilead is reading independently for the most part so he will read to himself more this year). I like to use real books in their reading so they don't die of books like Boxcar Children are good ones to start with(once they are independent readers). I like Bob Books for new readers. Then ask them to tell me about it to make sure they are comprehending.
Gilead will use a combination of these books that I've been happy with and used with success with his older siblings.
Explode the Code books 6-8 this year (I've used this series since Aslan for phonics and it's great!!)
Abeka Language 2 (1 page per day--simple, and covers basics in a few minutes)
English for the Thoughtful Child book 1 (I love this Charlotte Mason approach to Language's gentle)
And for Ransom:
Explode the Code books 2-3
(along with reading out loud to me)
Ransom, being in Kindergarten this year, will spend about 2 hours a day on school....broken up into small chunks. That includes all the history, science and Bible with Gilead, and working on his other books with me and reading out loud. You have to trust me that a 5 yr old boy doesn't need more than that. He's been doing school since he was 3 off and on as we had time. He is already reading short vowel readers and 1/4 of the way into 1st grade math.
Gilead is in 2nd grade this year, and like Ransom, his school will be broken up with lots of breaks and outdoor time. I expect all his school will take 2-3 hours a day. He is 7 with a very short attention span. Yet with short, fun school days, he is already reading at a 3-4th grade level and doing 3rd grade math.
That said, all of our life is school here, so in the kitchen, at the store, outside, working with Daddy or brothers is all teaching moments. =)
Monday, April 18, 2016
Cover Release for The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser!!!
Hosanna first published this book last year. Since then, in her pursuit of becoming a better and better author, she has learned so much. She has re-drafted and edited the book and also sought help in designing a more eye-catching cover. So, we are happy to announce today as the official COVER RELEASE day!!!! The book's 2nd edition will be officially published and available for release on April 26th!!!!!!
About the Book:
"Rosy growled, and I knew she was pacing the porch. I sensed her uneasiness. Something was wrong. Rosy never barked at cars; why would she choose this one?"
13 year-old Emily Kessler believes in God, but when she discovers someone trespassing in the middle of the night, can she learn to trust in Him completely? Will she have the courage to solve the mystery with her friends? And when everything falls apart, will Emily be able to keep those she loves safe?
Release Date:
The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser will be released on April 26, 2016
About the Author:
Hosanna Emily wrote her first novel at age fourteen. She is a homeschooled, independent author who is the oldest daughter in a family of eleven. She enjoys exploring the sparkling creek by her home in rural Kentucky, reading, drawing, learning American Sign Language, and spending time with her family and with her Creator.
To learn more, visit her blog at:

About the Book:
"Rosy growled, and I knew she was pacing the porch. I sensed her uneasiness. Something was wrong. Rosy never barked at cars; why would she choose this one?"
13 year-old Emily Kessler believes in God, but when she discovers someone trespassing in the middle of the night, can she learn to trust in Him completely? Will she have the courage to solve the mystery with her friends? And when everything falls apart, will Emily be able to keep those she loves safe?
Release Date:
The Mystery of the Midnight Trespasser will be released on April 26, 2016
About the Author:
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To learn more, visit her blog at:
Tuesday, February 23, 2016
On "Super Confessors" and Super Religion...and How they Lead only to Death....
I recently saw an article about Pope Francis recently nominating 1,000 "Super Confessors" in the Roman Catholic Church. The article basically says that these "missionaries of mercy" were "created" by the Pope to forgive very serious sins that typically only the Pope or high church officials can forgive. And, "thanks to their SPECIAL POWERS, they can also absolve fellow priests from serious transgressions." This is heresy.
As a "non-Catholic" I have seen over the years in the news so many instances of the Catholic Church changing long-held beliefs. Beliefs that have been in place for thousands of years. Changes in doctrine, the way they handle mass, and "giving in" to make themselves culturally relevant. It seems to have started in the 1960's with the 2nd Vatican Council and only gotten worse.
This particular event, however, is so obviously contrary to Scripture that I had to comment. I have always wondered why a Catholic was required to "confess" to a priest in the first place.
1 Timothy 2:5
"For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,"
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By Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation), CC BY-SA 2.0, |
As a "non-Catholic" I have seen over the years in the news so many instances of the Catholic Church changing long-held beliefs. Beliefs that have been in place for thousands of years. Changes in doctrine, the way they handle mass, and "giving in" to make themselves culturally relevant. It seems to have started in the 1960's with the 2nd Vatican Council and only gotten worse.
This particular event, however, is so obviously contrary to Scripture that I had to comment. I have always wondered why a Catholic was required to "confess" to a priest in the first place.
1 Timothy 2:5
"For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,"
That clearly says that there is ONE mediator that goes between God and man--JESUS! Not 1,000+
Along with the changes since the 1960's, there are dozens of Catholic teachings that just flat-out contradict Scripture.
Lest I be accused of just "Catholic-bashing," sadly, Evangelical Christianity has not fared much better in the last century. I've heard it said that the modern Christian church is just ONE generation behind culture in what it deems morally "okay." I don't think you need examples to know that this is true. American Christianity is no longer Biblical Christianity. The common factor and failure in both of these situations (Catholicism and American Christianity), is that it is based on religion and following rules and not relationship. Whether it's Rosary beads and Hail Mary's or saying a "sinner's prayer" and showing up for church with no change in your sinning.....religion leads only to hell. The Bible says that "all your righteousness (works) are as filthy rags."
How then can we be saved?
- Acknowledge you are a sinner (Romans 3:23)
- Realize that the payment for sin is eternal death (Romans 6:23)
- Know that heaven is "perfect" and to go there we must be too (Revelation 21:27)
- But, we cannot earn our way there by being "Catholic enough" or "Christian enough" (Ephesians 2:8-9)
- Good News! Jesus paid the penalty of your sins! Because of Him you are declared "Not Guilty!!" (2 Corinthians 5:21)
- All you need to do or CAN do is trust in Him (nothing else works!) (John 3:16 John 1:12)
- You can KNOW you have eternal life (1 John 5:13)
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Basically, when you truly realize the seriousness of your sin to a Holy God....and realize you are DOOMED to eternal punishment....that is BAD NEWS. Then, Jesus comes and says, "I've paid the price for her sins....she is FREE!" If you truly GET can you not jump for joy and give everything to serve this Savior of yours? You WANT to serve Him/love Him/tell others what He has delivered you from! You start to hate what God hates (your sin!!!) and along with salvation is repentance (which means to turn your back on your sin and STOP SINNING). "Cleaning up your life" doesn't save you, though.....but Because you are saved you WANT to live right to please your King! That is so different!!!! So, if you have been stuck in a life of religious "do's and don'ts" and rituals and trusting in your religion...just is doing nothing for you!!! Trust in a God that loves you and wants to be in relationship with will never find joy and freedom until your life is in His hands and you are free from the burden of religion.
Saturday, February 20, 2016
No, We Don't Want a Positive Role Model for President...thanks for asking!
Earlier this week, Fox News conducted a poll of Americans about the current Presidential race. One thing really stuck out to me in cruising through the results....Americans don't care about our future President as a role model. I'm not just saying that because of my opinion. It is here in black and white.
In question #7, when asked who they would like to see as the Republican nominee, the results were as follows:
Scroll down further in the poll to question #27..."Which Republican Presidential candidate do you think is the BEST role model for children today?" And the results were...
Our kids NEED good role models more than they need a narcissistic man running the show. It seems to me that a good role model with good morals would make a heck of a better president that one that calls people names...or lies....or has been found to be sending emails illegally and needs to be in jail....or one who wants to turn American Socialist.
But Americans don't. They don't care about morals, or killing babies....they just want what they want. Their god is themselves....and so they look to Presidents who also have themselves as their god. Morals matter....role models matter....I wish Americans would realize that........
In question #7, when asked who they would like to see as the Republican nominee, the results were as follows:
- Trump 36%
- Cruz 19%
- Rubio 15%
- Carson 9%
- Bush 9%
- Kasich 8%
Scroll down further in the poll to question #27..."Which Republican Presidential candidate do you think is the BEST role model for children today?" And the results were...
- Carson 26%
- Trump 18%
- Rubio 17%
- Cruz 12%
- Bush 11%
- Kasich 11%
Our kids NEED good role models more than they need a narcissistic man running the show. It seems to me that a good role model with good morals would make a heck of a better president that one that calls people names...or lies....or has been found to be sending emails illegally and needs to be in jail....or one who wants to turn American Socialist.
But Americans don't. They don't care about morals, or killing babies....they just want what they want. Their god is themselves....and so they look to Presidents who also have themselves as their god. Morals matter....role models matter....I wish Americans would realize that........
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Homeschool Review: LANDRY ACADEMY
There are so many homeschool resources out there that it will make your head spin. Over the last 17 years of homeschooling I have tried and used such a variety of curriculum. I have loved some, hated some. Switched some simply cause I had used it so long that I, as the teacher needed a change. I had curriculum that worked PERFECTLY for one child, and was a total flop for the next. That is the beauty of homeschooling! We are not stuck with just one canned curriculum that must fit all 9 of my kids!!!
This year we tried a new approach for a few of our subjects, and it has been a WINNER! 4 of my kids are each taking a class from Landry Academy. Landry is an online tool where we can choose from 457 classes---yes that is not a typo, they truly offer the homeschool community that many options! From Chinese and Arabic, to Computer Programming. From American Sign Language to Fiddle. From Art, Photography, Medicine to Architecture and Welding...that have pretty much covered it all!!!
On top of their hundreds of classes, they also offer week and month long classes in all sorts of topics. My 13 year old will be attending a week long camp in Filmmaking this summer and could not be more excited as he loves to make short films!!!
They also offer "2 day Intensives" where you can do all the science labs for an entire school year in TWO days and they offer these all over the country. (We have participated in 3 of these so far and were very impressed).
My children are currently taking the following classes this year through Landry:
My daughter will take a class this summer in "Conversational ASL."
And next year, I have already signed up my kids for:
My kids are currently involved in 3 Community Groups. Hosanna is in "Reservation for Two" which is for 13-18 yr old girls to encourage each other in their relationship with God and growing in character. This meets weekly and it is her favorite hour of the week!
Josiah is in "Performing and Visual Arts" group that meets every other week as well as a "Photography" Community group that meets every other week. He loves both of these groups for learning more about filming and photography and connecting with other kids that shares his passions and teachers that do as well.
There is too much to say about Landry. Let me just say that we got into it by buying class sessions a year ago. We were able to buy "generic" classes a year ago for around $60/semester class. The key is that we couldn't use them til a year later. Well, we waited and we are impressed. So impressed that I bought more generics so we can use them for next year. If you look at their website, the prices regularly are $390 per semester class....but if you sign up for their email specials, and are willing to buy a year ahead of time, You'll be glad you did!!! You can enjoy all these classes for just a fraction of their regular prices so don't let their catalog deter you. Also, the community groups are a great price regularly already. ($97 per year!!) So worth it in my opinion. So if you are a check out their website!!!!!
This year we tried a new approach for a few of our subjects, and it has been a WINNER! 4 of my kids are each taking a class from Landry Academy. Landry is an online tool where we can choose from 457 classes---yes that is not a typo, they truly offer the homeschool community that many options! From Chinese and Arabic, to Computer Programming. From American Sign Language to Fiddle. From Art, Photography, Medicine to Architecture and Welding...that have pretty much covered it all!!!
On top of their hundreds of classes, they also offer week and month long classes in all sorts of topics. My 13 year old will be attending a week long camp in Filmmaking this summer and could not be more excited as he loves to make short films!!!
They also offer "2 day Intensives" where you can do all the science labs for an entire school year in TWO days and they offer these all over the country. (We have participated in 3 of these so far and were very impressed).
My children are currently taking the following classes this year through Landry:
- American Sign Language 1 (Hosanna)
- Filmmaking 1 and 2 (Josiah)
- Animal Care Science (Jubilee)
- World History from a Christian Perspective (Praise)
My daughter will take a class this summer in "Conversational ASL."
And next year, I have already signed up my kids for:
- American Sign Language 2 (Hosanna)
- Screenwriting (Josiah)
- Film Producing and Directing (Josiah)
- Biology (Josiah)
- Writing Ropes (essays) Jubilee
- Pre-biology (Jubilee)
- Exploring Creation Science (Praise)
- Trip Around the World (a 6-language adventure) (Praise)
My kids are currently involved in 3 Community Groups. Hosanna is in "Reservation for Two" which is for 13-18 yr old girls to encourage each other in their relationship with God and growing in character. This meets weekly and it is her favorite hour of the week!
Josiah is in "Performing and Visual Arts" group that meets every other week as well as a "Photography" Community group that meets every other week. He loves both of these groups for learning more about filming and photography and connecting with other kids that shares his passions and teachers that do as well.
There is too much to say about Landry. Let me just say that we got into it by buying class sessions a year ago. We were able to buy "generic" classes a year ago for around $60/semester class. The key is that we couldn't use them til a year later. Well, we waited and we are impressed. So impressed that I bought more generics so we can use them for next year. If you look at their website, the prices regularly are $390 per semester class....but if you sign up for their email specials, and are willing to buy a year ahead of time, You'll be glad you did!!! You can enjoy all these classes for just a fraction of their regular prices so don't let their catalog deter you. Also, the community groups are a great price regularly already. ($97 per year!!) So worth it in my opinion. So if you are a check out their website!!!!!
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Eating the Fruit of the Spirit?
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Photo By en:User:Daderot. - First uploaded to en:wiki on 5 Apr 2005. |
"Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them." --Matthew 7:17-20Those who are Christ-followers have fruit. But fruit is not meant to just hang on trees. That's when it hit me! Can someone really EAT the Fruit of the Spirit? So I ran to Google (later in the morning after I woke up again) and typed in : "can you eat the fruit of the spirit" and would you believe...Google had NO idea!!!!!!
So I thought about it!!! WE are called to represent Christ to the world! What does the world who doesn't know Christ NEED? Do they need LOVE? Uh yeah! How about JOY? Yup! PEACE? Definitely!!! PATIENCE? Yep! KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, SELF-CONTROL? YES, Yes, Yes, Yes Yes!!!!
Where can those who don't have those fruit FIND it? Well, since they are found in CHRIST alone, you can reason to say that Christ-followers should exhibit these fruit MOST in their lives in our culture!!! (Not cause we're so amazing (quite the contrary!) but only because Christ who lives IN us shows His nature THROUGH our's nothing we do but all about what HE does!!!)
So, if you've got fruit...don't let it ROT on your tree....I don't believe that God gives us fruit to rot or to eat just ourselves but to share it to a needy and dying world who NEEDS these very FRUITS in their lives too!
It says in Psalm 34:8, "Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him." We are Christ to this world. Let the world "taste and see" our fruit that God has given us so they can know of His goodness!!!
So...go on....let your fruit be shared with this lost and dying world. They have no hope without Jesus...and the world NEEDS this fruit!!!
Thursday, January 21, 2016
ADD is just another way to spell BOYS!!!
I recently read this article entitled School ADD Isn’t Homeschool ADD . I loved the article and wanted to share it and comment on it for other parents who find themselves a parent to.....a BOY!!!
I've talked to 2 moms lately who have "ADD Kids" are are frustrated. Please read this article. From experience with my 5 sons, let me just say that almost all boys fit the description of "ADD." Even my oldest son, who was reading at 3, fit the description we read in a medical journal when he was a preschooler. We just laughed because the article was describing, well, BOYS! We are thankful we homeschooled our house full of boys (and girls), because a little boy is just not meant to sit at a desk all day long. They need to be jumping and wiggling and dancing and making noise. That doesn't work in a classroom.
My 2nd son just wasn't catching on to reading at 5. The more I made him sit still, the more he got frustrated with sounding out 3 letter words. I finally caught on and let him do his phonics by jumping off the couch onto a huge bean bag every time he got a word right. Within the week he was reading his little Bob Books!!!! He learns best with noise and music still at 18. My 2 oldest "ADD kids" scored 35 and 31 on their ACT tests. I hate to think what label or medication they might have been put on in a different environment. Set the little boys free from desks!!!!!
My 2nd son just wasn't catching on to reading at 5. The more I made him sit still, the more he got frustrated with sounding out 3 letter words. I finally caught on and let him do his phonics by jumping off the couch onto a huge bean bag every time he got a word right. Within the week he was reading his little Bob Books!!!! He learns best with noise and music still at 18. My 2 oldest "ADD kids" scored 35 and 31 on their ACT tests. I hate to think what label or medication they might have been put on in a different environment. Set the little boys free from desks!!!!!
Sunday, January 17, 2016
How do you Deal with Complaining at your House?
I was asked this week by a friend how we deal with complaining at our house. I thought I'd share it here because this seems to be a universal issue that we deal with. By "we" I don't just mean the children---we all, by nature, are prone to complain.
By blogging about this topic, I'm not saying that you will never hear a complaint coming from one of our mouths or that we've mastered it....but we have studied and hit this topic pretty hard as a family from a Biblical perspective and that has really helped.
While there are a number of Bible passages that fit, my favorite passage for dealing with complaining is Philippians 2:14-16
Now let's tear this apart. First of all, 14 is a command. "Do ALLLLLLLL things without complaining. That means ALL. EVERYTHING. ALL THINGS. Okay we got that right?
So to complain about ANYTHING is----not right! Period. A Christian should not complain. (Let me say that the next word "disputing" comes in VERY handy in a family as well. Along with NEVER complaining...we can add NEVER arguing about things. But I'll save that for another post). we've established that a Christian should never complain. (I know this sounds hard, but trust me, with practice it DOES get so much easier and you'll find yourself when you DO complain feeling convicted and doing it less and less)
The cool thing is the next 2 verses. God doesn't just tell us "Don't do THAT!" But then explains WHY!!!
Check this out...we should not complain because-------it helps us to be blameless children of a messed up culture that is full of sin and complaining about everything. "Among whom we shine like lights in the world...holding fast the word of life so that I may rejoice that I have not run in vain." (paraphrased)
This is one defining feature of us in our world. People will notice that we are different by our attitude. Are we known for our thanksgiving or our whining and complaining??? The world will take note----trust me!!!!
Some ways we can complain:
When they see Mom and Dad leading more thankful, less grumbling lives, it will help them to learn to have a life of gratefulness as well. Just like we have rules not to hit siblings, yell at family members, roll their eyes etc...this is a very good rule to add as a family. "No complaining!"
You'll be glad you tackled this. It is not a childhood problem as my Facebook news feed can attest to. Instead of raising ungrateful, sour adults they will grow up and do what Philippians 2 says "Shine like lights in the world holding fast the word of life."
By blogging about this topic, I'm not saying that you will never hear a complaint coming from one of our mouths or that we've mastered it....but we have studied and hit this topic pretty hard as a family from a Biblical perspective and that has really helped.
While there are a number of Bible passages that fit, my favorite passage for dealing with complaining is Philippians 2:14-16
14 Do all things without complaining and disputing, 15 that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,16 holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.
Now let's tear this apart. First of all, 14 is a command. "Do ALLLLLLLL things without complaining. That means ALL. EVERYTHING. ALL THINGS. Okay we got that right?
So to complain about ANYTHING is----not right! Period. A Christian should not complain. (Let me say that the next word "disputing" comes in VERY handy in a family as well. Along with NEVER complaining...we can add NEVER arguing about things. But I'll save that for another post). we've established that a Christian should never complain. (I know this sounds hard, but trust me, with practice it DOES get so much easier and you'll find yourself when you DO complain feeling convicted and doing it less and less)
The cool thing is the next 2 verses. God doesn't just tell us "Don't do THAT!" But then explains WHY!!!
Check this out...we should not complain because-------it helps us to be blameless children of a messed up culture that is full of sin and complaining about everything. "Among whom we shine like lights in the world...holding fast the word of life so that I may rejoice that I have not run in vain." (paraphrased)
This is one defining feature of us in our world. People will notice that we are different by our attitude. Are we known for our thanksgiving or our whining and complaining??? The world will take note----trust me!!!!
Some ways we can complain:
- Ugh, it's Monday
- I just need some ME time
- The kids are driving me crazy
- The kids are too noisy
- The kids are too messy
- The kids complain too much
- The kids_____________
- The husband never __________
- This food is cold
- This food it hot
- This food is ___________
- I hate cooking
- I can't stand _________
- The lines at Wal Mart are so long
- This is supposed to be FAST food
- I get so ticked when _________
When they see Mom and Dad leading more thankful, less grumbling lives, it will help them to learn to have a life of gratefulness as well. Just like we have rules not to hit siblings, yell at family members, roll their eyes etc...this is a very good rule to add as a family. "No complaining!"
You'll be glad you tackled this. It is not a childhood problem as my Facebook news feed can attest to. Instead of raising ungrateful, sour adults they will grow up and do what Philippians 2 says "Shine like lights in the world holding fast the word of life."
Friday, January 15, 2016
Treating Sore Throats at Home (Pharyngitis)
Because in my previous life, I worked as a PA (Physician Assistant) for many years, I am always interested in learning more about the human body. I think I have a nice position....being married to a doctor and myself trained in American medicine, yet able to acknowledge that sometimes American medicine makes things worse or has financial bias.
I've spent years researching different things like vaccinations, herbal medicines, homeopathy, natural treatments, pathology (what is the cause of disease), diets, healthy eating and living etc. I am by no means an expert on any of them, but I am able to think rationally about each side with an open mind. There is definite value in understanding each side....the benefits vs risks...and when to apply conventional medicine and when to apply "natural" medicine.
I get frustrated often with Facebook posts by (usually) women who have soapboxes and little to no knowledge of the human body. They basically think anything from the medical field is evil and bad for them, while anything "natural" is totally safe and healthy. I have seen people recommend herbs or oils that have clearly been shown to be dangerous in pregnancy, nursing and early childhood to those people. I have seen people try to talk others out of seeking medical care for something that genuinely can be dangerous if not treated. I'm not advocating either side...there is benefits in both in my opinion, and a severe lack of wisdom to bash either side as well. I implore, you young mothers especially, to use wisdom in your research and in your "advice" to other gullible friends. Despite what you think, there is a lot you don't know or understand. Please approach your research humbly and open to both sides.
With that aside, I wanted to address some topics in my blog that I get asked questions of often.
I will start with sore throats. The medical word for sore throat is "Pharyngitis." "Itis" means inflammation and "Pharyng" refers to the pharynx or the medical word for throat. So basically....any inflammation of the throat. A sore throat can be caused my many things. Viruses, bacteria, and post nasal drip are the most common. Other more uncommon causes are reflux from the stomach, trauma or tumors.
Over 80% of all sore throats are caused by viruses. They do not require any medical care and can be safely treated at home. Antibiotics to not help at all and in some cases make it worse. (like Mono).
Post nasal drip from allergies are another major cause of sore throats. The drainage from the sinuses irritates the back of the throat making it sore or inflamed. That is best treated with an allergy medicine like Zyrtec or Claritin. Often regularly consuming raw honey helps as well. Since our allergies are often from air born pollens and such, local honey (where the bees have taken local pollen to make honey) actually works by desensitizing us to the local allergens with time. You can tell it's from post nasal drip if you see 2 faint pink or red lines straight down the back of your throat. (From all the drainage) (Sometimes you won't have this but if you do see it, it's a good clue).
Strep throat is the worst cause of pharyngitis because it actually NEEDS antibiotics. While strep is not very common in adults (though it happens) it is much more common in childhood. (as a side note, it is also not super common in infancy, though should not be completely ruled out either). Roughly 30-40% of sore throats in children is caused by strep. (keeping in mind that 60-70% is NOT strep). The problem with strep is that if untreated, there is the possibility of it going into the kidneys to cause severe damage (glomerulonephritis), or into the heart and causing rheumatic heart disease usually requiring a new heart valve. (Chris and I have both seen patients with happens more than you think!) Typically a course of antibiotics will take care of the strep and prevent damage to the heart or kidneys. We, as a family, are very anti---antibiotics. We rarely if ever give them to our kids. Strep is the one thing that we don't mess around with. Fortunately, with 9 kids in 20 years, we've only ever had one kids with strep once!!! Please don't take a chance with strep.
Strep can often be diagnosed simply by looking in the throat. You will typically see white coating or spots on the tonsils, large lymph nodes under the jaw line and almost always a fever. Typically, strep throat hurts excruciatingly...even to just swallow your own spit. One virus that mimics strep is mononucleosis. That is a virus, but it can make white patches on the throat as well. If you take antibiotics while you have mono, you will often get a pretty bad rash from it, so make sure it's truly strep or ask a doctor.
I want to mention here the scary sounding diagnosis of "Scarlet Fever." It's honestly just strep throat with a rash. It's nothing worse than just plain just sounds scary.
The rest of the culprits are typically viruses. There are so many different viruses that cause strep, I can't even name them all. Viruses typically make "bumps On the back of the throat. Not the tonsils but the VERY back even behind the uvula. They can give fever but not usually.....and fevers are not usually as high as with strep.
So I'm often asked what to do about sore throats that are caused by viruses. Here are some things that our family uses.
1. Our absolute favorite "magic pill" for sore throats is Bee Propolis. They come in capsules and you can swallow the capsules or for kids open them up and mix the propolis in applesauce or yogurt. I've never read what the "perfect dose" of propolis is...but for older kids and adults we have them take 1 capsule per hour until it feels better. For younger kids I give them 3-4 per day. (I don't give it to kids under 1--just my personal feeling). Propolis is the anti viral and antibiotic found in honey that keeps honey from never going bad. (notice how honey stay fine on the counter for ever? Propolis!!
2. Elderberry Syrup You can buy it pre-made or to save money, do what we do and make it yourself.
- 1 cup fresh or 1/2 cup dried organic Elderberries
- 3 cups water
- 1 cup raw local honey
- 1 organic Cinnamon stick, 3 organic Cloves, and organic Ginger (optional)
Place berries, water, and spices in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. Smash the berries to release remaining juice and strain the mixture. Allow liquid to cool and stir in honey. Will last for 2-3 months stored in the fridge.
We buy dried elderberries from The Bulk Herb Store
3. High doses of Vitamin C (for us that is about 1,000 per day for smaller kids and 2,000 mg per day for bigger) I've heard of people giving a lot more than that...we just haven't needed to.
4. Vitamin D We typically give more Vitamin D during illness
Hope this helps. This is not exhaustive, but it is how our family handles sore throats.
I've spent years researching different things like vaccinations, herbal medicines, homeopathy, natural treatments, pathology (what is the cause of disease), diets, healthy eating and living etc. I am by no means an expert on any of them, but I am able to think rationally about each side with an open mind. There is definite value in understanding each side....the benefits vs risks...and when to apply conventional medicine and when to apply "natural" medicine.
I get frustrated often with Facebook posts by (usually) women who have soapboxes and little to no knowledge of the human body. They basically think anything from the medical field is evil and bad for them, while anything "natural" is totally safe and healthy. I have seen people recommend herbs or oils that have clearly been shown to be dangerous in pregnancy, nursing and early childhood to those people. I have seen people try to talk others out of seeking medical care for something that genuinely can be dangerous if not treated. I'm not advocating either side...there is benefits in both in my opinion, and a severe lack of wisdom to bash either side as well. I implore, you young mothers especially, to use wisdom in your research and in your "advice" to other gullible friends. Despite what you think, there is a lot you don't know or understand. Please approach your research humbly and open to both sides.
With that aside, I wanted to address some topics in my blog that I get asked questions of often.
I will start with sore throats. The medical word for sore throat is "Pharyngitis." "Itis" means inflammation and "Pharyng" refers to the pharynx or the medical word for throat. So basically....any inflammation of the throat. A sore throat can be caused my many things. Viruses, bacteria, and post nasal drip are the most common. Other more uncommon causes are reflux from the stomach, trauma or tumors.
Over 80% of all sore throats are caused by viruses. They do not require any medical care and can be safely treated at home. Antibiotics to not help at all and in some cases make it worse. (like Mono).
Post nasal drip from allergies are another major cause of sore throats. The drainage from the sinuses irritates the back of the throat making it sore or inflamed. That is best treated with an allergy medicine like Zyrtec or Claritin. Often regularly consuming raw honey helps as well. Since our allergies are often from air born pollens and such, local honey (where the bees have taken local pollen to make honey) actually works by desensitizing us to the local allergens with time. You can tell it's from post nasal drip if you see 2 faint pink or red lines straight down the back of your throat. (From all the drainage) (Sometimes you won't have this but if you do see it, it's a good clue).
Strep throat is the worst cause of pharyngitis because it actually NEEDS antibiotics. While strep is not very common in adults (though it happens) it is much more common in childhood. (as a side note, it is also not super common in infancy, though should not be completely ruled out either). Roughly 30-40% of sore throats in children is caused by strep. (keeping in mind that 60-70% is NOT strep). The problem with strep is that if untreated, there is the possibility of it going into the kidneys to cause severe damage (glomerulonephritis), or into the heart and causing rheumatic heart disease usually requiring a new heart valve. (Chris and I have both seen patients with happens more than you think!) Typically a course of antibiotics will take care of the strep and prevent damage to the heart or kidneys. We, as a family, are very anti---antibiotics. We rarely if ever give them to our kids. Strep is the one thing that we don't mess around with. Fortunately, with 9 kids in 20 years, we've only ever had one kids with strep once!!! Please don't take a chance with strep.
Strep can often be diagnosed simply by looking in the throat. You will typically see white coating or spots on the tonsils, large lymph nodes under the jaw line and almost always a fever. Typically, strep throat hurts excruciatingly...even to just swallow your own spit. One virus that mimics strep is mononucleosis. That is a virus, but it can make white patches on the throat as well. If you take antibiotics while you have mono, you will often get a pretty bad rash from it, so make sure it's truly strep or ask a doctor.
I want to mention here the scary sounding diagnosis of "Scarlet Fever." It's honestly just strep throat with a rash. It's nothing worse than just plain just sounds scary.
The rest of the culprits are typically viruses. There are so many different viruses that cause strep, I can't even name them all. Viruses typically make "bumps On the back of the throat. Not the tonsils but the VERY back even behind the uvula. They can give fever but not usually.....and fevers are not usually as high as with strep.
So I'm often asked what to do about sore throats that are caused by viruses. Here are some things that our family uses.
1. Our absolute favorite "magic pill" for sore throats is Bee Propolis. They come in capsules and you can swallow the capsules or for kids open them up and mix the propolis in applesauce or yogurt. I've never read what the "perfect dose" of propolis is...but for older kids and adults we have them take 1 capsule per hour until it feels better. For younger kids I give them 3-4 per day. (I don't give it to kids under 1--just my personal feeling). Propolis is the anti viral and antibiotic found in honey that keeps honey from never going bad. (notice how honey stay fine on the counter for ever? Propolis!!
2. Elderberry Syrup You can buy it pre-made or to save money, do what we do and make it yourself.
- 1 cup fresh or 1/2 cup dried organic Elderberries
- 3 cups water
- 1 cup raw local honey
- 1 organic Cinnamon stick, 3 organic Cloves, and organic Ginger (optional)
Place berries, water, and spices in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer for 30 minutes. Smash the berries to release remaining juice and strain the mixture. Allow liquid to cool and stir in honey. Will last for 2-3 months stored in the fridge.
We buy dried elderberries from The Bulk Herb Store
3. High doses of Vitamin C (for us that is about 1,000 per day for smaller kids and 2,000 mg per day for bigger) I've heard of people giving a lot more than that...we just haven't needed to.
4. Vitamin D We typically give more Vitamin D during illness
Hope this helps. This is not exhaustive, but it is how our family handles sore throats.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
So You've Made a "Decision" to Follow Jesus? So What!
As a follow-up to my previous post, I wanted to share another idea that Francis Chan shared in his sermon Why Are We Here? It is the concept that we hear frequently in Evangelical circles: "I've made a decision for Christ."
Chan goes on to explain that last year he "made a decision" to run every single day of the year. Even if it was only 1/2 of a mile, he made the decision to do it. So, on January 1st, he got together with a bunch of friends, and, even though it almost killed him, he ran 4 miles. Fast forward a few that point, he had run a total since January 2nd of about 4 miles all together. He "made a decision," but did it actually change his life? Many people "decide" to follow Christ.....and other than calling themselves a "Christian" after that day, nothing much has changed in their life.
Chan goes on to explain that last year he "made a decision" to run every single day of the year. Even if it was only 1/2 of a mile, he made the decision to do it. So, on January 1st, he got together with a bunch of friends, and, even though it almost killed him, he ran 4 miles. Fast forward a few that point, he had run a total since January 2nd of about 4 miles all together. He "made a decision," but did it actually change his life? Many people "decide" to follow Christ.....and other than calling themselves a "Christian" after that day, nothing much has changed in their life.
I think this goes along with the heresy of "the sinner's prayer." The false teaching that if there is an altar call or "invitation" at church and you repeat a prayer after someone "asking Jesus into your heart" that you are deemed a "Christian" and are on your way to heaven. It doesn't matter that you never had an encounter with God, you never repented from your sins, and you never gave up your life to be under Christ's control.
Folks, an encounter with God is like being hit by a Mac-Truck. You can't have an encounter with the Creator of the Universe, the King of Kings and the Lord of lords and remain unchanged!
If you have "made a decision" or prayed a "sinner's prayer" please see if your life has fruit of the evidence that it was a true conversion to Christianity.
21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’ --Matthew 7:21-23
13 “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. 14 Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it. --Matthew 7:13-14
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Who is Driving your Car?
So we watched one of those sermons today. One that leaves you thinking and chewing on what you heard and realizing that you can say, "Wow, that was a good sermon!" and call it a day....or you can sincerely ask the Lord to let it penetrate and change your heart.
While watching Francis Chan's sermon Why are we here? Meaning of life, Biblical Salvation, I had a couple things that seared into my brain cells ideas that I haven't thought of in a long time or maybe EVER.
The first is a simple concept: The idea that we are zooming around space, on a ball at thousands of miles per hour around a burning hot star 93 million miles away. If we were just a tad closer, we'd burn up in seconds, and if we were farther, we'd freeze to death. And we think we are in control.
The thought was that if today was your last day spinning around on this planet, how would God want you to spend your day? How do you know it isn't? Who are you living for---and will it matter in 100 years??
Secondly......imagine your life is represented by a car. You are trucking along and encounter Jesus. Some people think he is nice to have around for emergencies---when they are sick or in financial they put Jesus in the trunk.
Other people want Jesus as a closer part of his they invite him into the back seat of their life. They can chat and hang out, but nothing too committed.
Others ask Jesus to be in the passenger seat. They really want to chat and have fun together. They even want intimate conversation and sharing, but they still want to be the one steering the wheel and deciding what to do and where to go with their lives. (This reminds me of the old bumper sticker that was around in the 70's and 80's "Jesus is my Co-pilot" ) (And I'm realizing how that goes against true-Christianity)
Finally some realize how utterly pathetic they are in their own strength, get out of the driver's seat, ask God to drive and steer the car, and give Him full control.
Chan challenges us to see where we are in that analogy.
Think about it a minute...where is Jesus in your "life car?"
This led to a great discussion in our family about what salvation is ----and how is affects our whole lives.
I admitted that I feel Jesus IS in the driver's seat of my life, but that I had a tendency to grab the wheel and help him when I got nervous and lacked faith. Anyone else relate? Do we treat Jesus like a teen-aged driver?
Let our prayer be like the famous Bluegrass song "Jesus Take the Wheel" and never touch it again.....let us have a pre-determined "YES, LORD!" That means that before Jesus even asks, we have already said, "YES!" to whatever he asks of us!!!
While watching Francis Chan's sermon Why are we here? Meaning of life, Biblical Salvation, I had a couple things that seared into my brain cells ideas that I haven't thought of in a long time or maybe EVER.
The first is a simple concept: The idea that we are zooming around space, on a ball at thousands of miles per hour around a burning hot star 93 million miles away. If we were just a tad closer, we'd burn up in seconds, and if we were farther, we'd freeze to death. And we think we are in control.
The thought was that if today was your last day spinning around on this planet, how would God want you to spend your day? How do you know it isn't? Who are you living for---and will it matter in 100 years??
Secondly......imagine your life is represented by a car. You are trucking along and encounter Jesus. Some people think he is nice to have around for emergencies---when they are sick or in financial they put Jesus in the trunk.
Other people want Jesus as a closer part of his they invite him into the back seat of their life. They can chat and hang out, but nothing too committed.
Others ask Jesus to be in the passenger seat. They really want to chat and have fun together. They even want intimate conversation and sharing, but they still want to be the one steering the wheel and deciding what to do and where to go with their lives. (This reminds me of the old bumper sticker that was around in the 70's and 80's "Jesus is my Co-pilot" ) (And I'm realizing how that goes against true-Christianity)
Finally some realize how utterly pathetic they are in their own strength, get out of the driver's seat, ask God to drive and steer the car, and give Him full control.
Chan challenges us to see where we are in that analogy.
Think about it a minute...where is Jesus in your "life car?"
This led to a great discussion in our family about what salvation is ----and how is affects our whole lives.
I admitted that I feel Jesus IS in the driver's seat of my life, but that I had a tendency to grab the wheel and help him when I got nervous and lacked faith. Anyone else relate? Do we treat Jesus like a teen-aged driver?
Let our prayer be like the famous Bluegrass song "Jesus Take the Wheel" and never touch it again.....let us have a pre-determined "YES, LORD!" That means that before Jesus even asks, we have already said, "YES!" to whatever he asks of us!!!
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
Review: Vid Angel (Movie Filtering)
I had to share about a website that has been an exciting discovery for our family. It is Vidangel.
We feel that what we watch and allow our children to watch should not go against what we read in Scripture. We don't want to watch things that glorify things that God hates. There have been a number of great movies that we have chosen to not watch over the years because they included using the Lord's name in vain, have shown sex outside of marriage as okay, have shown the occult in a positive light, have included many 4-letter words etc.
It feels like a constant struggle as parents to know the "right" thing to do in so many situations. I'm sure other parents will give me aloud "Amen!"
We typically screen movies by reading the reviews on Pluggedin .We have found this amazingly helpful, yet is often still falls short on modesty in movies. (and with 3 teenage boys in our home, this is a very real struggle that they ask us to help them with).
We decided to test out Vidangel a few weeks ago, when we received an email offering us a free showing of any Star Wars movie. That was prefect because none of our kids had seen a Star Wars movie yet. We set the filters (which not many were needed I must admit) for Star Wars 4. We were impressed with how nicely done the filtering was! For most of the things, we were not even able to tell what was taken out or when. As we progressed to Star Wars 5, 6, 1 and 2 we were increasingly thankful for the filters in many scenes. (immodesty and foul language).
The way it works is "buy" the movie filtered as you wish for $20. You watch the movie and if you "return" it (press one button when you are done)....they refund $19 to your account and charge your card $1. If you love the movie and want to keep the filtered just let them keep your $20, it's that simple. It has worked seamlessly for 5 movies for us now....
The filters are great....they are very specific so you can choose which individual word/scene you want to filter. If you want to filter the "S-word" but are okay with "H-words" then you can filter accordingly. You can filter or not filter violence---and they tell you each scene if you want to filter some but not all.
Anyway, check it out.....some of you think it's overkill...but I know many of you will appreciate the opportunity to protect your kids from junk in otherwise good movies! VIDANGEL
We feel that what we watch and allow our children to watch should not go against what we read in Scripture. We don't want to watch things that glorify things that God hates. There have been a number of great movies that we have chosen to not watch over the years because they included using the Lord's name in vain, have shown sex outside of marriage as okay, have shown the occult in a positive light, have included many 4-letter words etc.
It feels like a constant struggle as parents to know the "right" thing to do in so many situations. I'm sure other parents will give me aloud "Amen!"
We typically screen movies by reading the reviews on Pluggedin .We have found this amazingly helpful, yet is often still falls short on modesty in movies. (and with 3 teenage boys in our home, this is a very real struggle that they ask us to help them with).
We decided to test out Vidangel a few weeks ago, when we received an email offering us a free showing of any Star Wars movie. That was prefect because none of our kids had seen a Star Wars movie yet. We set the filters (which not many were needed I must admit) for Star Wars 4. We were impressed with how nicely done the filtering was! For most of the things, we were not even able to tell what was taken out or when. As we progressed to Star Wars 5, 6, 1 and 2 we were increasingly thankful for the filters in many scenes. (immodesty and foul language).
The way it works is "buy" the movie filtered as you wish for $20. You watch the movie and if you "return" it (press one button when you are done)....they refund $19 to your account and charge your card $1. If you love the movie and want to keep the filtered just let them keep your $20, it's that simple. It has worked seamlessly for 5 movies for us now....
The filters are great....they are very specific so you can choose which individual word/scene you want to filter. If you want to filter the "S-word" but are okay with "H-words" then you can filter accordingly. You can filter or not filter violence---and they tell you each scene if you want to filter some but not all.
Anyway, check it out.....some of you think it's overkill...but I know many of you will appreciate the opportunity to protect your kids from junk in otherwise good movies! VIDANGEL
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Why Resolutions and Friends go so well together!
While pondering the concept of "New Year's Resolutions," I've come to realize that like-minded friends go a long way in ensuring that resolutions actually get carried out.
With 9 kids---4 teens, a toddler, a preschooler and 3 in between, I often feel like there is not enough time in the day or "me" to go around. It's easy to focus on the current needs right in my face like meals, school and laundry. That narrow focus makes it harder to see other things. Enter "other things"----(not less important mind you, just not screaming for attention things): Reading through the Bible, exercise....eating healthy. THAT is where friends come in so handy!
I don't need accountability to make sure my family gets fed or that laundry or homeschool gets done. That is the backbone of most of my days. I DO need encouragement to stay faithful with sitting down and making Bible reading a priority, exercise a priority and eating healthy a priority or they can sometimes get pushed aside.
I'm so thankful for a few close friends who ask me in December, "What should we do together to read the Bible this year?" This has been happening for a number of years now....and I'm so thankful. Spending time in God's Word is so life-giving and necessary...and it's SO MUCH more fun to read with other sisters and share the treasures that God is showing each of us!!
If you have an area of your life that you need to focus more on but keep failing at.....find a good friend who can come along side you...she probably needs the encouragement and motivation as well.
"Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 3:13-14
With 9 kids---4 teens, a toddler, a preschooler and 3 in between, I often feel like there is not enough time in the day or "me" to go around. It's easy to focus on the current needs right in my face like meals, school and laundry. That narrow focus makes it harder to see other things. Enter "other things"----(not less important mind you, just not screaming for attention things): Reading through the Bible, exercise....eating healthy. THAT is where friends come in so handy!
I don't need accountability to make sure my family gets fed or that laundry or homeschool gets done. That is the backbone of most of my days. I DO need encouragement to stay faithful with sitting down and making Bible reading a priority, exercise a priority and eating healthy a priority or they can sometimes get pushed aside.
I'm so thankful for a few close friends who ask me in December, "What should we do together to read the Bible this year?" This has been happening for a number of years now....and I'm so thankful. Spending time in God's Word is so life-giving and necessary...and it's SO MUCH more fun to read with other sisters and share the treasures that God is showing each of us!!
If you have an area of your life that you need to focus more on but keep failing at.....find a good friend who can come along side you...she probably needs the encouragement and motivation as well.
"Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."-Philippians 3:13-14
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