Tuesday, February 23, 2016

On "Super Confessors" and Super Religion...and How they Lead only to Death....

I recently saw an article about Pope Francis recently nominating 1,000 "Super Confessors" in the Roman Catholic Church.       The article basically says that these "missionaries of mercy" were "created" by the Pope to forgive very serious sins that typically only the Pope or high church officials can forgive.     And, "thanks to their SPECIAL POWERS, they can also absolve fellow priests from serious transgressions."  This is heresy.

By Casa Rosada (Argentina Presidency of the Nation), CC BY-SA 2.0,

As a "non-Catholic" I have seen over the years in the news so many instances of the Catholic Church changing  long-held beliefs. Beliefs that have been in place for thousands of years.  Changes in doctrine, the way they handle mass, and "giving in" to make themselves culturally relevant.  It seems to have started in the 1960's with the 2nd Vatican Council and only gotten worse.

This particular event, however, is so obviously contrary to Scripture that I had to comment.   I have always wondered why a Catholic was required to "confess" to a priest in the first place.

1 Timothy 2:5

"For there is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus,"

That clearly says that there is ONE mediator that goes between God and man--JESUS!  Not 1,000+

Lest I be accused of just "Catholic-bashing,"  sadly, Evangelical Christianity has not fared much better in the last century.  I've heard it said that the modern Christian church is just ONE generation behind culture in what it deems morally "okay."  I don't think you need examples to know that this is true.  American Christianity is no longer Biblical Christianity.      The common factor and failure in both of these situations (Catholicism and American Christianity), is that it is based on religion and following rules and not relationship.     Whether it's Rosary beads and Hail Mary's  or saying a "sinner's prayer" and showing up for church with no change in your sinning.....religion leads only to hell.     The Bible says that "all your righteousness (works) are as filthy rags."     

How then can we be saved?

  • Acknowledge you are a sinner (Romans 3:23)
  • Realize that the payment for sin is eternal death (Romans 6:23)
  • Know that heaven is "perfect" and to go there we must be too (Revelation 21:27)
  • But, we cannot earn our way there by being "Catholic enough" or "Christian enough" (Ephesians 2:8-9)
  • Good News!  Jesus paid the penalty of your sins! Because of Him you are declared "Not Guilty!!" (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  • All you need to do or CAN do is trust in Him (nothing else works!) (John 3:16  John 1:12)
  • You can KNOW you have eternal life (1 John 5:13)
Retrieved from:

Basically, when you truly realize the seriousness of your sin to a Holy God....and realize you are DOOMED to eternal punishment....that is BAD NEWS.   Then, Jesus comes and says, "I've paid the price for her sins....she is FREE!"   If you truly GET THAT......how can you not jump for joy and give everything to serve this Savior of yours?     You WANT to serve Him/love Him/tell others what He has delivered you from!  You start to hate what God hates (your sin!!!)  and along with salvation is repentance (which means to turn your back on your sin and STOP SINNING).     "Cleaning up your life" doesn't save you, though.....but Because you are saved you WANT to live right to please your King!  That is so different!!!!     So, if you have been stuck in a life of religious "do's and don'ts" and rituals and trusting in your religion...just stop...it is doing nothing for you!!!   Trust in a God that loves you and wants to be in relationship with you......you will never find joy and freedom until your life is in His hands and you are free from the burden of religion.   

Saturday, February 20, 2016

No, We Don't Want a Positive Role Model for President...thanks for asking!

Earlier this week, Fox News conducted a poll of Americans about the current Presidential race.  One thing really stuck out to me in cruising through the results....Americans don't care about our future President as a role model.   I'm not just saying that because of my opinion. It is here in black and white.

In question #7, when asked who they would like to see as the Republican nominee, the results were as follows:

  • Trump 36%
  • Cruz 19%
  • Rubio 15%
  • Carson 9%
  • Bush 9%
  • Kasich 8%

Scroll down further in the poll to question #27..."Which Republican Presidential candidate do you think is the BEST role model for children today?"  And the results were...

  • Carson 26%
  • Trump 18%
  • Rubio 17%
  • Cruz 12%
  • Bush 11%
  • Kasich 11%
I think it is interesting that over 1/4 of voters admit that Carson is the best role model for their children, yet only 9% of them will even consider voting for him.  I know people will argue that he doesn't have the political experience, or the "oomph" to run the White House....yet look at the presidents...current and many prior who HAD the experience and how that turned out.   Look at Clinton who was a moral disaster....and essentially did nothing for our country.   The current president who has experience, yet is trying to unconstitutionally make decisions without Congress and act as king.    

Our kids NEED good role models more than they need a narcissistic man running the show.  It seems to me that a good role model with good morals would make a heck of a better president that one that calls people names...or lies....or has been found to be sending emails illegally and needs to be in jail....or one who wants to turn American Socialist.

But Americans don't.  They don't care about morals, or killing babies....they just want what they want.  Their god is themselves....and so they look to Presidents who also have themselves as their god.      Morals matter....role models matter....I wish Americans would realize that........

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Homeschool Review: LANDRY ACADEMY

There are so many homeschool resources out there that it will make your head spin.  Over the last 17 years of homeschooling I have tried and used such a variety of curriculum.   I have loved some, hated some.   Switched some simply cause I had used it so long that I, as the teacher needed a change.   I had curriculum that worked PERFECTLY for one child, and was a total flop for the next.   That is the beauty of homeschooling!   We are not stuck with just one canned curriculum that must fit all 9 of my kids!!!
This year we tried a new approach for a few of our subjects, and it has been a WINNER!   4 of my kids are each taking a class from Landry Academy.   Landry is an online tool where we can choose from 457 classes---yes that is not a typo, they truly offer the homeschool community that many options!     From Chinese and Arabic, to Computer Programming.  From American Sign Language to Fiddle.  From Art, Photography, Medicine to Architecture and Welding...that have pretty much covered it all!!!

On top of their hundreds of classes, they also offer week and month long classes in all sorts of topics.  My 13 year old will be attending a week long camp in Filmmaking this summer and could not be more excited as he loves to make short films!!!

They also offer "2 day Intensives" where you can do all the science labs for an entire school year in TWO days and they offer these all over the country. (We have participated in 3 of these so far and were very impressed).

My children are currently taking the following classes this year through Landry:

  • American Sign Language 1  (Hosanna)
  • Filmmaking 1 and 2   (Josiah)
  • Animal Care Science  (Jubilee)
  • World History from a Christian Perspective  (Praise)

My daughter will take a class this summer in "Conversational ASL."

And next year, I have already signed up my kids for:

  • American Sign Language 2 (Hosanna)
  • Screenwriting (Josiah)
  • Film Producing and Directing (Josiah)
  • Biology (Josiah)
  • Writing Ropes (essays)  Jubilee
  • Pre-biology (Jubilee)
  • Exploring Creation Science (Praise)
  • Trip Around the World (a 6-language adventure)  (Praise)
On top of THOSE...they also have fun Community Groups.   These groups meet 2-4 times per month and are just for fun  (No grades).  They allow you to meet with students with similar interests under a Christian teacher that specializes in that area.

My kids are currently involved in 3 Community Groups.  Hosanna is in "Reservation for Two" which is for 13-18 yr old girls to encourage each other in their relationship with God and growing in character.   This meets weekly and it is her favorite hour of the week!

Josiah is in "Performing and Visual Arts" group that meets every other week as well as  a "Photography" Community group that meets every other week.  He loves both of these groups for learning more about filming and photography and connecting with other kids that shares his passions and teachers that do as well.

There is too much to say about Landry.   Let me just say that we got into it by buying class sessions a year ago.  We were able to buy "generic" classes a year ago for around $60/semester class.  The key is that we couldn't use them til a year later.  Well, we waited and we are impressed.  So impressed that I bought more generics so we can use them for next year.   If you look at their website, the prices regularly are $390 per semester class....but if you sign up for their email specials, and are willing to buy a year ahead of time, You'll be glad you did!!! You can enjoy all these classes for just a fraction of their regular prices so don't let their catalog deter you.    Also, the community groups are a great price regularly already.  ($97 per year!!)  So worth it in my opinion.  So if you are a homechooler....so check out their website!!!!!