Saturday, January 16, 2010

Just wait til they are teenagers!

I was thinking about how many times over the past 14 yrs I've been told, "They are sweet now but wait until they are teenagers." I honestly never believed what they said though. I just have always felt that if a chld had truly given his life to God(and not just says he is a Christian) then it wouldn't and shouldn't be like "the world" where teenagers and parents just don't get along.

Aslan will be 14 in a few weeks and Noah is quickly coming upon 13. I just have to say that I think their ages is the absolute most fun yet! I LOVE having teens in the house! I can finally hold deep, meaningful conversations during the day without waiting for Chris to come home. They make me laugh, tease me, help me open jars, love our babies as much as we do, ask deep spiritual questions that I too wonder about and don't have all the answers for. They still kiss me good night and tell me every day that they love me. When the little savages are complaining about food, they are forever complimenting my cooking and Noah never fails to tell me that "it tastes like it's straight from heaven!" LOL

I love seeing them contemplate things God is showing them. I love hearing them wrestle with their futures and seeking God to see if His plan for thier lives is the same as the thoughts they have. I love talking them through a frustrating time where God seems far away, then rejoicing a few months later when they come downstairs late at night cause in their quiet time God just opened their eyes to a spiritual truth they had never seen before and suddenly God seems so real and near again.

I love when they pull me aside because something in the movie Pilgrim's Progress really jolted their spiritual eyes, and they ask me to pray that they don't become like Indifference did walking off the narrow path and taking the wide one.

I love that their legs are getting hairy and their voices cracking but they still wrestle each other like they did when they were 3 and 4 yrs old.

I truly do love all ages, but I never imagined that having young people in the house could be such a joy. I love that we can have teens who have their own minds, yet there is no arguing, attitude, disrepect or rebellion. I love that I can see them now as fellow brothers in Christ who are walking along side of me in our pursuit of God.

I'm also thinking that it's a good thing I DO Like them, because before Aslan's 20th birthday, I will have 4 teens in the house, and it will remain that way for years to come!!


  1. It happened to me just this morning in Target. I hate it when people say, "Just wait 'till they're teenagers!" I am looking forward to those years for the exact reasons you mentioned. I am already enjoying Anna's growing maturity; though I must admit the girl hormones are challenging :) But I believe those years will hold great things! And it's super sweet watching my older children enjoying and nurturing the little ones. I am loving having big ones and little ones!

    Thanks for the encouragement to those that are a little behind you!

  2. I absolutely, whole-heartedly agree with you about the whole teenager thing! They DON'T have to be like the world!!! Our home church in NC is full of good, godly teenagers and I'm sure there are many out there like them. Amen!

    I am curious about your switch from HSB - I've been waffling about it as well. Could you comment on what finally made you make the leap? Something in me is afraid even though I already have a blog set-up here. maybe it's that I like to change my template by seasons and I'm afraid I don't find it as easy here. Anyhow, would love to hear your thoughts.

    God bless.
    Karen (OldPathsMom)

  3. curious where you are in KY? My husband pastored a church in Liberty, KY up until two years ago :) I love KY.
