Monday, February 8, 2010

Giving, and World-changing

I just got done listening to an AMAZING, I mean LIFE CHANGING CD on the perspective we should have in raising godly children.  It is just WOW!   I would tell you what the CD was, but I learned that many of my friends went out and bought Eat to Live to be just like me (Big grin) and I would hate to cause ya'll to spend more money, though this would be so incredibly worth it!!

One tiny quote in the midst of over an hour of awesome insights was this:

Instead of asking, "What percent of my income should I give to God?"  Ask yourself, "What percent of God's money should I keep for myself?"  Now honestly answer that question and see what you feel you can live with.

Doesn't that just make you say, "HMMM." I love it.   After reading the Treasure Principle last year, my view on "my money" will never be the same.  
He went on to share that there are so many languages that don't have even 1 book of the Bible in their language, and that many publishers that do have translations partly done, don't have the money necessary for printing.   He was explaining how his family started a business and everything earn and everything they do as a family revolves around giving as much money as they can to accomplish things for God.  He wants his children to be you?


  1. So you know we all want to know what the CD was. Sounds very interesting and I didn't go out and buy the Eat to Live book. :D

  2. Are you waiting til class Wed. night? Your thinking we won't get our homework done (grin) for the record I didn't buy the Eat To Live book..I'm waiting to barrow it, that way I can save money to buy the CD..That is if you'll tell us what it is..hint, hint.


  3. You guys are so nosey! Wink

  4. You know you could always pass it around...then we won't have to spend anything! I did buy eat to live, but on for a few dollars :) Watch for a email from me!
