Saturday, July 10, 2010

Crazy Crazy Love

I recently heard about a book called CRAZY LOVE by Francis Chan. I immediately pictured something like this....

Then, I saw the book cover and heard some amazing reviews from friends like, "This is the BEST book I've ever read!" "This book should come with a warning label saying it will totally change your life!" Well now. How can you resist recommendations like that....Not that I don't LOVE my current life, but I'm always all about changing to become more like Christ. So, I slapped those words on my birthday list and VOILA, my favorite teenager in the whole world bought it for my birthday.

I finished it this week and WOW is all I can say. If I could buy a copy for everyone who calls themself a Christian, I would do it...but I'm too cheap, I mean frugal. I am nowhere near as articulate as Francis Chan, but let me just tell you that he challenges us to realize that there is no such thing as "lukewarm Christianity." Using the passage of the church at Laodicea, "So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16
he shows that you cannot be lukewarm if Christ dwells in you. Being spit out of God's mouth is not exactly descriptive of one about to enter the kingdom of heaven. He is very clear that it has nothing to do with our works, our salvation is totally about what Jesus did for us. If we have accepted the gift of salvation, thereby having the Holy Spirit in us, lukewarm is not a word that CAN describe you.

Oh, there were so many great quotes and examples. PLEASE go get yourself a copy. I'd be glad to loan out my copy too, but there is already quite a waiting list. grin.
It has challenged me more than any man-written book that I've read in a L O N G time. It has totally helped me to focus on what truly matters and what being a Christ-follower looks like.
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1 comment:

  1. Now that you've read that one - look up David Platt and his Radical Series will continue to morph you into a New Testament Christian!
