I recently read a quote by Mother Teresa that said, " I am a little pencil in the hand of a writing God who is sending a love letter to the world."
Are you allowing your "lead" to be used by God? If so, what is God writing through your life?
It is so easy to feel convicted and burdened for the poor, the orphans and the widows...but then not know what to do or how to help and in a few days, the burden wanes and we go back to feeling comfortable again.
There are many ministries you've heard about but for many reasons you don't feel like getting involved:
1. How do I know the money really gets to the poor and not to lining some pockets of the company president?
2. I don't like how much is taken out for administrative costs..I mean, if I give money, I don't want 13% (or more) going towards administration/fundraising fees.
3. There are so many needs that my small donation won't even make a difference so why bother?
4. There are needs right here in America.
I used to struggle with those questions myself. It wasn't a big deal though because, although the thought of helping the poor crossed my mind, it seemed too complicated for ME to somehow help the poor across the ocean.
It was easy to rationalize it away and forget.
Until God started working in my life. First, He sent some friends to us for us to meet to teach us God's heart towards the poor. Not only did they have a burden, but they lived it.
God also led me to read the book Crazy Love by Francis Chan...and now the book The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns. I'm only on page 96 of 332, but am feeling so strongly the call of God to see the poor as He sees them, that I was compelled to blog before even finishing this book.
I really wanted to tell you about
The first, is my favorite, because we are close friends with the family who started the ministry, and I know the whole story behind how God led them to do so. It is called Hearts of Hope. Their website is www.shareministries.org
Because we are great friends, I know their character, how the ministry runs and know beyond a shadow of a doubt that every cent is used the way they say it is. They take no money for fundraising or administrative costs. The only fees that don't make it to the mission field are the small wiring fees they pay to Money Gram the money, usually from Wal Mart.
It is about $8.00 per transaction.
They are great about asking which ministry partner you'd like your money sent to. If you just tell them "the greatest need" they pray about it and always let you know where every dollar went to.
I am so excited about this ministry that I just wanted everyone to know. I know there are many of you that would love to give, but just wasn't sure WHERE. May I encourage you to email Hearts of Hope and ask for their latest newsletter? heartsofhope@shareministries.org
You can even donate through their website using paypal so it only takes a minute. If you have any questions, I'd be glad to answer them!
The 2nd ministry that we support is Compassion International.
It has been a blessing to our family to allow each of our children on their 7th birthday to choose a Compassion Child as their very own.
They love their child, they pray for their child and they love to write letters and send pictures to them as well. It has really helped to open their eyes to the poor in other countries and realize that we truly are overly blessed here. We've been impressed with the ministry and how great they are at sending our letters back and forth to our 4 children...2 in Ecuador and 2 in Dominican Republic. We hope to be able to visit them all one day as well, and Compassion will set up trips to make it so easy to do.
I know I told you I was going to tell you about my 2 favorite, but we also have been very blessed by partnering with Gospel for Asia
If you aren't too excited about this blog post, may I encourage you to get a copy of The Hole in Our Gospel by Richard Stearns?
If you read the book, and it doesn't do much for you, I will personally buy the book from you and pay shipping to my house.
Don't let the conviction wane...click on http://www.shareministries.org/ now and at least request their latest newsletter..that's all I'm asking you to do now. They only email once a month so you won't get tons of email...I promise!!
"I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.....whatever you did for one of the least of my brothers of mine you did it for Me." Matthew 25
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