Friday, May 10, 2019

"Remember to be Jesus!"

I was grabbing my purse and heading out the door, and I heard the familiar voice that I hear when anyone in our family heads out into the world......


One of my younger children never fails to remind us parents and older kids of this when we are leaving on an errand.   I can't tell you how much this helps and impacts me.   I get my mind so set on conquering my Walmart shopping list, post office trip, or gymnastics run that I sometimes forget the most important thing. 

Last week, I heard these words again.  But I don't take it lightly or brush it off.  I was getting out of my car with my 10 year old, and as I'm walking into Walmart I hear her voice from home ringing in my head, "Remember to be Jesus!"   I smiled at an elderly African-American lady, and she smiled back.   

A few minutes later, the Walmart greeter was sitting on his stool with a sad look on his face.   "Good morning! How are you?" I said with a smile, again hearing in my head, "Remember to be Jesus!!"   

A little later, on the other side of the store, someone was blocking the aisle for quite a while without realizing it.  I was in a hurry, but the voice in my head reminded me...and I took a deep breath and when she said, "Oh I'm sorry," I patiently replied.  "Oh that's okay, no problem," and meant it.  "Remember to be Jesus." 

This post has nothing to do with me being kind that day.  Because without that reminder I may have done none of those things. I may have tuned into my grocery list and gone about my trip accomplishing what I came to do...fill up the cart, cross the items off, and head home.   But this child of mine, reminded me that we are called to be so much more.  We are God's representative to a lost and sad world of His goodness.  We are ambassadors, witnesses.  We have love and joy in our hearts because we have HIM in our hearts..and HE is love and joy. 

I recently asked her where she got the idea and she said that it was her older brother. YES! Of course!  My oldest son has said the same thing for years as well...but he's been gone a lot so I had forgotten.  By his example she has picked up the mantle of godly reminding us of our calling and destiny as Christians. 

Let me encourage you so you can encourage another Christian and remind me and everyone around you.  Don't lose focus.  Don't forget the purpose.   

When you are running to Walmart....

When you are running to the post office....

When you are taking your kids to gymnastics, soccer or baseball....


When you are being a wife, a mom, or a friend...

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