Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Christmas Play

In December, our church put on a Christmas play called If You're Missing Baby Jesus. 6 of my family members were in the play...Chris and the oldest 5. While most of them played characters fairly close to their personalities, I got a kick out of Aslan who is not typically real dramatic. He's more of an intellectual bookworm. He was a shopkeeper in the play, and his costume was this....

While the glasses probably technically fit his personality of a smart geek...it was really funny to see him dressed up like this.
It was a fun play, and they all did a great job!
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Sunday, January 2, 2011

A bit behind on blogging...

Sorry I haven't done too well blogging these last few months...with our crazy birthday season, followed by National Bible Bee, then Thanksgiving, 8 of 9 of us getting Influenza for a full week, Christmas, vacation it has been a wee bit hectic, not to mention dealing with my increasing inability to bend from a growing little fella inside.

Life will be (sorta) returning to "normal" tomorrow with re-starting school except we will add potting training to the agenda starting tomorrow as well. This will, no doubt, be a great character-building week for me....along the lines of all 7 kids plus me with influenza a few weeks ago...or maybe along the lines of what Sunday mornings are like...getting all the kids dressed and trying to shove food down mouths of little girls who eat S L O W L Y and like birds. I'm thankful for it all though...thankful that I HAVE 7 kids who can get sick...thankful that we can go to church and worship without fear of persecution, thankful we have dresses to choose from and a breakfast to eat...we are much more fortunate that most of the world.

One big moment this Thanksgiving was cutting Gilead's hair for the first time. Chris doesnt' mind long-ish hair on toddler boys, but he does like them to look like a little boy by their 2nd birthday. I loved his long curls, but in one of my more painful acts of submission, knowing he didn't like his hair long, I decided to cut it a full 3 weeks early. Not too many tears were shed, and now I'm used to it....it helps that I have another little fella coming along in 10 weeks to enjoy long toddler locks on again. grin.
Here are Gil's before and after pics...

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