Wednesday, July 7, 2010

God's protection of 1 year olds

It's so easy to see a situation that could have been "bad" but turned out okay and think "Whew, that could have been a fortunate that it turned out so well," and totally miss God in the equation.
Yesterday, Gilead was VERY ONE. I was doing a Bible study with the older children that goes along with Bible Bee, when Gilead disappeared for a few minutes to another part of the house. A few minutes later we heard a crashing sound like metal or glass.
Aslan went to investigate what the stinker had done now (he had already bitten the tips off of 3 makers, pulled off 2 of Aslan's pitchers on one of his favorite pitcher plants and dumped over a huge glass of water and it was only 10am).
Aslan returns with Gilead to report that he had gotten into my bottom dresser drawer where I keep birthday gifts hidden.
I had 4 glass "goblets" in there that my 5 yr old requested for her 6th birthday later this month. She wanted "fancy goblets to drink out of like princesses do." So I found 4 at the local thrift store for 50 cents each.
Well, Gil had gotten a hold of 2, completely broke them on our bedroom floor and hallway. There was glass everywhere.
Despite his chubby, little, bare feet...he had NO cuts. On top of that, when Aslan brought him to me, he was chewing on something.
I checked his mouth and he had a dime sized piece of broken glass in his mouth! There were no cuts or blood and he had been chewing it for almost a full minute, likely.
So, at first I was thinking, "Whew, that could have been a bloody mess." But later, thinking about Sunday's sermon about how we get ourselves into habits of thinking about or not thinking about God, I realized that this truly was a God-sized miracle. He should have had glass cuts on his feet and mouth but he didn't? Why because God was protecting Gilead's body and protecting my sanity after the crazy morning we had had with him. Grin. Don't miss God in the day to day victories. He's absolutely IN THEM!!!
Thank you God for loving us enough to protect us from ourselves, even if we are only 18 months old.
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  1. Thank God for His wonderful protection!

  2. My 2 year old is JUST like that. I have had several gray hairs appear recently because of him. :) You are right- it is an amazing example of God's loving care for us and our children. Thank you for the reminder.
