Friday, March 15, 2019

My "Self-Cleaning" Kitchen. Well, sorta.

Having a large family takes a bit of organization.  I have many aspects of our home that I still haven't figured out how to run smoothly, unfortunately.  It flows...just not always as seamlessly as I'd like.
I DO feel that our kitchen system works well, so I thought I'd share that with you.   This system would work with any sized would just need to tweak it for the jobs and number of children that you'd like to be involved in the process.

Here are some facts about the Konsavage Kitchen clean-up crew:

  • All ages help out, but they are typically included in chore rotation at 6 years old. A 6 year old is capable of most chores in our kitchen.  
  • We currently have 6 kids in kitchen rotation with 6 different jobs for 6 days of the week.
  • Each kid does one job one day per week all day

You might feel that a 6 year old is not capable of washing dishes, putting away dishes, or putting away leftovers.  Let me assure you, with training, they are wonderful at these jobs!!

Our 6 kitchen chores/jobs include:

             washing dishes & loading dishwasher    

emptying dishwasher and dish drainer/drying wet dishes

sweeping floor

wiping down table and 
putting napkins in dirty napkin bucket

clean counters and put away leftovers

cook/or help mom to cook


Here is a picture of our kitchen chore schedule.  Notice it is written in pencil because sometimes an older brother is at college or working away from home and a younger sibling will take his place.  When they are home from college/work, they assist the smallest helper who was their replacement.

So that sums it up!  There are many ways to run a kitchen. This is just ONE way. It works for us.

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